
Here you will find some of our impulses for your leadership and organizational development.

The Siemens GMM Safe Space Project

Case study: In the GMM Safe Space Project, structures were created that enable a significantly higher customer focus. The result: New solutions, better processes, organizational design insights and two global Siemens Awards.
Can a group of intelligent people project stupidity? Yes, indeed, it can. Social systems – i.e., organizations – are more than the sum of their parts.
In 2021, our founder, Mark Poppenborg, published his bestseller “Wir führen anders!” (“We Lead Differently”). It contains 24½ different impulses for ways entrepreneurs and managers can improve their business culture.

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Contact - Juliane Pabst

Contact - Johanna Riedel

Contact - Mike Raven

Contact - Lukas Raven

Contact - Anne Gründling

Contact - Philipp Simanek

Contact - Daniel Ewers