Effectiveness is what drives us

Effectiveness to us means: creating vital organizations that become and remain successful in their dynamic markets. We see ourselves as problem-solvers when it comes to fine-tuning a company’s performance and innovation. We don’t believe in business theater; we believe in devising business structures where dedicated people choose to assume responsibility, where talented people apply their talents to the fullest. We strengthen value creation and strategy implementation. To this end, we collaborate closely with entrepreneurs and decision-makers on the capabilities of their organizations.

Our Core Team



The Siemens GMM Safe Space Project

Case study: In the GMM Safe Space Project, structures were created that enable a significantly higher customer focus. The result: New solutions, better processes, organizational design insights and two global Siemens Awards.


Systemic Learning Blockages

Can a group of intelligent people project stupidity? Yes, indeed, it can. Social systems – i.e., organizations – are more than the sum of their parts.

Reading tip

We lead differently!

In 2021, our founder, Mark Poppenborg, published his bestseller “Wir führen anders!” (“We Lead Differently”). It contains 24½ different impulses for ways entrepreneurs and managers can improve their business culture.

Contact - Juliane Pabst

Contact - Johanna Riedel

Contact - Mike Raven

Contact - Lukas Raven

Contact - Anne Gründling

Contact - Philipp Simanek

Contact - Daniel Ewers